Friday, 9 August 2013

CharacteristicDescriptionExample valueSymbolFormula
DoseAmount of drug administered.500 mgDDesign parameter
Dosing intervalTime between drug dose administrations.24 h\tauDesign parameter
CmaxThe peak plasma concentration of a drug after administration.60.9 mg/LC_\text{max}Direct measurement
tmaxTime to reach Cmax.3.9 ht_\text{max}Direct measurement
CminThe lowest (trough) concentration that a drug reaches before the next dose is administered.27.7 mg/LC_{\text{min}, \text{ss}}Direct measurement
Volume of distributionThe apparent volume in which a drug is distributed (i.e., the parameter relating drug concentration to drug amount in the body).6.0 LV_\text{d}= \frac{D}{C_0}
ConcentrationAmount of drug in a given volume of plasma.83.3 mg/LC_{0}, C_\text{ss}= \frac{D}{V_\text{d}}
Elimination half-lifeThe time required for the concentration of the drug to reach half of its original value.12 ht_\frac{1}{2}= \frac{ln(2)}{k_\text{e}}
Elimination rate constantThe rate at which a drug is removed from the body.0.0578 h−1k_\text{e}= \frac{ln(2)}{t_\frac{1}{2}} = \frac{CL}{V_\text{d}}
Infusion rateRate of infusion required to balance elimination.50 mg/hk_\text{in}= C_\text{ss} \cdot CL
Area under the curveThe integral of the concentration-time curve (after a single dose or in steady state).1,320 mg/L·hAUC_{0 - \infty}= \int_{0}^{\infty}C\, \operatorname{d}t
AUC_{\tau, \text{ss}}= \int_{t}^{t + \tau}C\, \operatorname{d}t
ClearanceThe volume of plasma cleared of the drug per unit time.0.38 L/hCL= V_\text{d} \cdot k_\text{e} = \frac{D}{AUC}
BioavailabilityThe systemically available fraction of a drug.0.8f= \frac{AUC_\text{po} \cdot D_\text{iv}}{AUC_\text{iv} \cdot D_\text{po}}
FluctuationPeak trough fluctuation within one dosing interval at steady state41.8 %%PTF= \frac{C_{\text{max}, \text{ss}} - C_{\text{min}, \text{ss}}}{C_{\text{av}, \text{ss}}} \cdot 100
C_{\text{av},\text{ss}} = \frac{1}{\tau}AUC_{\tau, \text{ss}}
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